Sensual Evening. Gorgeous Girls. Private Performances.

in the heart of Milton Keynes

Situated in the centre of Milton Keynes, Garudaa Gentlemen’s Club is the destination you’ve been seeking. Whether you’re an individual, part of a group of friends, or celebrating a stag party, our elegant decor and stunning dancers will captivate you. With an extensive selection of beers, spirits, and champagne available, you can unwind or revel at Garudaa. Treat yourself, your companions, or your business associates to captivating live performances or opt for a more personal experience with a private dance.

Tables and private booths.
Live stage shows all evening.

Table service from our waitresses.
Fully nude private dances.

The Club

The Playroom



Unwind and relax or celebrate at Garudaa Gentlemen’s Club in Milton Keynes.

To learn more, book a private booth, or our luxurious suite.